Trust Review Seminar

By Sterling & Tucker, LLP (other events)

Wednesday, April 3 2024 10:00 AM 12:00 PM HST

Attend this Free Seminar to find out why your living trust may not work…and what you can do about it. Whether you have a trust or are thinking about creating a trust you’ll learn what to look for so your trust does exactly what you want, when you want.

In approximately 120 minutes, our attorneys will discuss several issues including:

  • The top 10 common defects found in most Living Trusts
  • Planning before you need long-term care
  • Protecting your assets for your heirs from creditors, or in the event of a lawsuit or a divorce
  • Providing for special needs children and grandchildren
  • If you become incapacitated or unable to sign documents, how a court may assign a conservator to run your estate as he or she sees fit
  • How a Power of Attorney works (a Power of Attorney may not be acceptable if it has become outdated or if you have become disabled)

Top Reasons to Review Your Trust:

  • Death or marriage of a beneficiary
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • Child with special needs
  • A desire to provide creditor or divorce protection for beneficiaries
  • Change in your marital status
  • Inherited substantial assets
  • Death, incapacity, or change of intentions of your successor trustee or decision-maker
  • About to undergo a major operation or life-threatening medical treatment

As a “thank you” for attending our seminar, all attendees will be offered a one-hour complimentary consultation with one of our attorneys.
If you have any questions about our seminars or would like to register by phone or email, please call our office at (808) 531-5391 or email [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you! If possible, be sure to participate with your spouse, or feel free to invite a friend.